Leila: I Love My New Confidence
Leila has been a part of my series FEARLESS, showcasing women who decide their own worth and live on their own terms. She is strong, independent woman, a bit of a badass too 🙂 and recently started new chapter in her life.
Meet Leila.

Leila’s Story
After 30 years of marriage I decided that I had had enough of being put down and treated without the respect I deserved. So I got a divorce and now I love the life I have. My smiles are real and not forced. I enjoy every day instead of dreading them.

What do you want from life, talk to me about your dreams?
I dream of accepting the body I have instead of looking at the flaws.
What brings you joy?
Spending time with people I love.
What do you love about yourself?
I love my new confidence.
What (or who) motivates you to do your very best ?
Fear of failure motivates me.

If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?
Making people see that being different is okay and not something to be afraid of.
What would you like to do more each day?
I would like to build on my new confidence and to be more positive.
What else would you like to experience in your life?
I would love to tandem sky dive or to swim with sharks.
What got you through some of the most difficult times in your life?
When my Mom was alive, I always turned to her as she would always listen without judging me and I had unconditional support.

What advice would you give to your 20 year old self?
Not to be afraid to try new things. It’s okay to be on your own with a young son and not to marry someone who tries to change you.
Why were the photographs important to you now?
Beautiful photographs will make me see what other people see in me.
How did you feel seeing your finished photographs?
I was overwhelmed to see my photographs and amazed at the confident and beautiful woman in them.
How did they make you feel about YOU?
They made me feel fantastic and so happy to see the confident and sassy woman I have become.
Behind the scenes

Photo & Retouch Renata Clarke
Makeup & Hair Styling Aleksandra Guz
New 40 over 40 campaign for women in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. Click here for more info.